Hospitality Prayer
O God, make the door of this church-wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and strife. Make its threshold smooth enough to be a no stumbling block to children, nor to straying feet, but rugged and strong enough to turn back the tempter’s power. God, make the door of this church the gateway to your eternal kingdom. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Mission
The mission of the Ministry of Hospitality is to extend a welcoming spirit of community and offer a deeper spiritual connection to the parish. The ministry seeks to enhance the faith community, strengthen attendance at Mass and provide avenues for involvement in parish ministries, organizations and activities for the entire family.
Hospitality Minister Role
When a new person or family joins the parish, a member of the Ministry of Hospitality will contact them and offer information and material regarding Blessed Sacrament Church that may be useful in the future. This also gives new parishioners an opportunity to have their questions answered and to make a personal connection to someone from the parish. The Ministry of Hospitality is a wonderful way to meet new people and it does not require a large time commitment. If you are interested in becoming a part of this special ministry, please contact the parish office 309-266-9721.
“Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.”
Sunday Socials & New Member Welcomes
Sunday Socials and New Member Welcomes are held periodically throughout the year to give members an occasion to meet other parishioners and to become familiar with the various parish events, organizations and ministries offered at Blessed Sacrament Church. Ministry of Hospitality volunteers serve at Sunday Socials and those who help at these events really enjoy the opportunity to share fellowship with other parishioners. More volunteers are always welcome to join this worthwhile ministry! If you would like to help coordinate or serve at Sunday Socials, please contact the parish office.
Parish Office at 309-266-9721