adult faith formation
Adult Faith Formation at Blessed Sacrament Parish strives to inform, develop and guide adult activities by providing a variety of programs to meet the diverse needs of all. All involved are encouraged to support each element through welcome, word, wisdom, worship, witness and welfare.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA sessions begin in September on Sunday morning from 10:30 - 11:30 am. In November, the sessions begin with 9:30 am Mass. After the homily, the RCIA participants are dismissed for a session called Breaking Open The Word and concludes with a catechetical session ending at 11:45 am. There is no charge for participating in our RCIA program. Call the parish office at 309-266-9721 for additional information or to sign up for RCIA. All are welcome.
RCIA Inquiry Sessions
If you are interested in the RCIA journey or have any questions about joining the Catholic Church, these sessions are planned to address your questions! The Inquiry Sessions will be held on Sunday mornings, from 10:30 - 11:30 am, beginning in September. If you have any questions, contact Father Adam at 309-266-9721 or send him an email at
Adult Educational/Faith Building Opportunities
Our small group Lenten bible study groups are formed every winter. If you have participated in the past and want to be in the same group, please let your group leader know. If you have not participated before and are interested in bible study during Lent, watch for sign-up opportunities in the Gathering Space. If you have any questions, call Connie at the parish office, 309-266-9721.
Bible studies and other educational programs are constantly happening at Blessed Sacrament. Our studies happen in both daytime and evening hours. Take a look and see if one of these programs might be what you're looking for.
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations...”
Work of Our Hands Ministry
The Work of Our Hands Ministry is dedicated to sharing fellowship, prayer and creative ideas with one another and our parish family. Some members knit or crochet, while others work on beading projects and other handcrafted items. The most important part of this ministry is showing others they have the well-wishes and prayers of the ministry whenever they are needed. Sessions are held periodically as a way to share inspiration and ideas. Bring your handcrafting work with you to work on and pray over.
We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 1:00 pm in the Father Wuellner room, but you don't have to attend to be a part of this loving ministry. Projects finished at home can be dropped at the Religious Education Office any time. There is a book in the office to log your contributions. If you would like more information about this ministry, call the Parish Office. We look forward to seeing you and the Work of Your Hands.