pastoral care
PASTORAL CARE TEAM SCHEDULE (January/February/March 2025)
Communion Ministry to the Sick
Blessed Sacrament Church has an extensive ministry to those who are homebound or who live in nursing homes. On any given week, members of our pastoral care team visit about 80 people individually either in their homes or in local nursing homes. We also hold Communion Services on Friday mornings at Holly Brook and Brandon Wood, independent living homes. Pastoral care ministers are usually called upon to serve about once a month. Typically, a person will be added to our visitation list by a post-hospital follow-up call or a phone call to the office. If you have a loved one that cannot attend Mass and is at home or in a nursing home in Morton, please contact Rick Zath to have them added to the visitation list.
Hospital Ministry
Members of our pastoral staff, including Father Adam, Father Nick, Deacon Kevin Zeeb and Rick Zath, visit the local Peoria hospitals throughout the week or when called to do so. We are often unaware of who is in the hospital on any given day, so if you or a loved one has been admitted, please notify the parish office (309-266-9721) and the name of the person will be added to the visitation list.
Faith Community Nursing (FCN)
Faith Community Nursing (FCN) provides an avenue through which Blessed Sacrament Church can better minister to the whole person – body, mind, and spirit, and enhances the ability of the church to respond to the health needs of the congregation, thereby impacting the wellness of the faith community. FCN is directed by a team of individuals made up of both medical and non-medical volunteers from our parish community who work together to advocate for health and wellness. The team seeks to meet the needs of our parish community through interpersonal relationships, health education and referral assistance for special needs under the guidance of the FCN coordinator, the pastor and parish staff.
If you would like more information about pastoral care, contact Rick Zath at 309-266-9721, ext. 4, or email
“Christ has no body on earth, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands which he is to bless us now.”