blessed friends ministry

Blessed Friends is made up of a number of ministries at Blessed Sacrament Church that engage in charitable acts of service throughout the year. Through the efforts of those involved in any one of these ministries, parishioners are given a little extra consideration to better meet personal, social, and spiritual needs in some of the following ways:

5th Grade Pen Pals and Prayer Partners: students correspond with the elderly and homebound throughout the year. (Coordinator - Mrs. Karen Spring, 5th Grade Teacher)

5th Grade Christmas Caroling: students visit their pen pals at Christmas. (Coordinator - Mrs. Karen Spring, 5th Grade Teacher)

Altar & Rosary Christmas Gifts: distributed to our homebound and nursing home residents. (Coordinator - Altar & Rosary Society)

Blessed Sacrament School After Care: students send cards to homebound and nursing home parishioners on special occasions.

Easter Basket Project: gift cards for food are purchased and distributed to local families in need. (Coordinators - MaryBeth Steinkoenig and Nicole Baer)

Fall Clean-Up Day: High School youth assist with yard work for parishioners who have difficulty doing this themselves. (Coordinator - Joseph Wizieck, Jr. High/High School Youth Minister)

Sharing Christmas Project: gifts cards for food and Christmas gifts are purchased and distributed to local families in need, the Guardian Angel Home and to the Missionaries of Charity Sisters in the Peoria area. (Coordinators - Anne and Troy Saunders)

Sunshine Lady: sends cards to people who are sick or in the hospital. (Coordinator - Toni Bright)

Visitation Ministry: additional attention given to the sick outside of Communion visits.

Work of Our Hands Ministry: members make gifts to distribute to the elderly and the sick.  

If you would like more information about any of the Blessed Friends ministries, contact Mickey King at 309-266-9721, ext. 4, or email